Tuesday, March 12, 2013

WISDOM (Proverbs): God's in Control!

A man’s steps are decided by the Lord. How can anyone understand his own way? (Proverbs 20:24 NLV) A man who goes away from the way of understanding will rest in the gathering of the dead. (Proverbs 21:16 NLV) There is no wisdom and no understanding and no words that can stand against the Lord.  (Proverbs 21:30 NLV) The eyes of the Lord keep watch over much learning, but He destroys the words of the man who is not faithful. (Proverbs 22:12 NLV)

God is in control, whether we choose to admit it or not!  A man’s steps are decided by the Lord, regardless of the man.  But there are different kinds of men, and The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. (Psalm 37:23) So men's steps are "decided" by the Lord, but a good man's steps are "ordered" by the Lord.  In a previous study, we learned that God predestined the way for us to be saved, but He didn't predetermine who would become saved. We have a choice to make: accept the Wisdom of God, or deny Him and live with the consequences of either choice for eternity. (see Predestined, Not Predetermined!)

A house is built by wisdom. It is made strong by understanding, and by much learning the rooms are filled with all riches that are pleasing and of great worth. (Proverbs 24:3-4 NLV) A wise man is strong. A man of much learning adds to his strength. (Proverbs 24:5 NLV) When a nation sins, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and much learning, it will last a long time. (Proverbs 28:2 NLV) Sinful men do not understand what is right and fair, but those who look to the Lord understand all things. (Proverbs 28:5 NLV) The rich man is wise in his own eyes, but the poor man who has understanding sees through him. (Proverbs 28:11 NLV) A ruler who takes much from the people who have little does not have understanding. But he who hates wanting something that belongs to someone else will live a long time. (Proverbs 28:16 NLV)

When we choose to accept the Wisdom of God, we choose to be blessed by God.  We don't have to depend on people outside of ourselves to take care of our needs.  Yes, it's a wonderful thing when those in authority do the right thing for the people, but that's not always the case.  We have to look to the Lord to understand all things.  We have to treat eachother the right way.  When the children of Isreal made sacrifices to God that pleased Him, He says those sacrifices were a sweet aroma to the Lord. The point is, we can't always expect good things to "come down" to us.  We have to "send up" good things; it's been said like this, "When the praises go up, the blessings come down!", not from men, but from God.  When we choose God's Wisdom over man's wisdom, we will be blessed!

The words of Agur the son of Jakeh of Massa. The man says to Ithiel and Ucal: For sure, I am more foolish than any man, and I do not have the understanding of a man. I have not learned wisdom, and I do not know much about the Holy One. Who has gone up into heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His hands? Who has gathered the waters in His coat? Who has put in place all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son’s name? For sure you know! (Proverbs 30:1-4 NLV) There are three things which are too great for me, four which I do not understand:  The way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship out at sea, and the way of a man with a woman. (Proverbs 30:18-19 NLV) There are four things that are small on the earth, but they are very wise: The ants are not a strong people, but they store up their food in the summer. The badgers are not a strong people, but they make their houses in the rocks. The locusts have no king, but they go as an army. You can take the lizard in your hands, but it is found in kings’ houses. (Proverbs 30:24-28 NLV)

Just like Agur explains so well above, we can't understand and know everything there is to know about God, just like we can't understand and know everything there is to know about the things that happen everyday that we take for granted, the wisdom of ants, badgers, locusts, lizard. It's explained this way in Job, Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. Do you know when God dispatches them, And causes the light of His cloud to shine? Do you know how the clouds are balanced, Those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge? Even now men cannot look at the light when it is bright in the skies, When the wind has passed and cleared them. He comes from the north as golden splendor; With God is awesome majesty. As for the Almighty, we cannot find Him; He is excellent in power, In judgment and abundant justice; He does not oppress. Therefore men fear Him; He shows no partiality to any who are wise of heart.” (Job 37:14-16, 21-24)

This study concludes our detour from the study of The Gospel.  Hopefully this study of Wisdom will help us to better understand why it's so important to believe in God, and His Son, Christ Jesus.  Christian brothers, think who you were when the Lord called you. Not many of you were wise or powerful or born into the family of leaders of a country. But God has chosen what the world calls foolish to shame the wise. He has chosen what the world calls weak to shame what is strong. God has chosen what is weak and foolish of the world, what is hated and not known, to destroy the things the world trusts in. In that way, no man can be proud as he stands before God. God Himself made the way so you can have new life through Christ Jesus. God gave us Christ to be our wisdom. Christ made us right with God and set us apart for God and made us holy. Christ bought us with His blood and made us free from our sins. It is as the Holy Writings say, “If anyone is going to be proud of anything, he should be proud of the Lord!” (I Corinthians 1:26-31 NLV) AMEN

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