Friday, August 10, 2012

MICAH: God Keeps His Promises, Regardless - 1 of 2!

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8, The New Living Translation)

The name "Micah" means who is like Jehovah; and indeed, who is like Him?  God reveals a lot in this small book, of His character - both His justice, righteousness, vengeance and mercy.  We will try to narrow it down to four main points:

The Sin of the People (Micah 1; Micah 2:6-11; Micah 3; Micah 6:1-8; Micah 7:1-6)
The prophet is not saying what he thinks the sins of the children of Isreal and all mankind are, but God Himself is telling us: Attention! Let all the people of the world listen! Let the earth and everything in it hear. The Sovereign Lord is making accusations against you; the Lord speaks from his holy Temple. (Micah 1:2)
When you want a piece of land, you find a way to seize it. When you want someone’s house, you take it by fraud and violence. You cheat a man of his property, stealing his family’s inheritance. (Micah 2:2)
- You steal the shirts right off the backs of those who trusted you, (Micah 2:8)
- You have evicted women from their pleasant homes and forever stripped their children of all that God would give them. (Micah 2:9)
- “Listen, you leaders of Israel! You are supposed to know right from wrong but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil. (Micah 3:1-2) 
- “You false prophets are leading my people astray! You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on those who refuse to feed you. (Micah 3:5)
- You rulers make decisions based on bribes; you priests teach God’s laws only for a price; you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid. Yet all of you claim to depend on the Lord. “No harm can come to us,” you say, “for the Lord is here among us.” (Micah 3:11)
- What shall I say about the homes of the wicked filled with treasures gained by cheating? What about the disgusting practice of measuring out grain with dishonest measures? How can I tolerate your merchants who use dishonest scales and weights? (Micah 6:10-11)
- The rich among you have become wealthy through extortion and violence. Your citizens are so used to lying that their tongues can no longer tell the truth. (Micah 6:12) 
- The godly people have all disappeared; not one honest person is left on the earth. They are all murderers, setting traps even for their own brothers. Both their hands are equally skilled at doing evil! (Micah 7:2-3)
- Officials and judges alike demand bribes. The people with influence get what they want, and together they scheme to twist justice. (Micah 7:3)
- Don’t trust anyone— not your best friend or even your wife! For the son despises his father. The daughter defies her mother. The daughter-in-law defies her mother-in-law. Your enemies are right in your own household! (Micah 7:5-6)

The Consequences of Sin (Micah 2:1-5; Micah 6:9-16)
Nations, leaders and people are still committing these same awful sins today. God is a just God, and He will deal with each one according to what they have done: But this is what the Lord says: “I will reward your evil with evil; you won’t be able to pull your neck out of the noose. You will no longer walk around proudly, for it will be a terrible time.” (Micah 2:3)
“We are finished, completely ruined! God has confiscated our land, taking it from us. He has given our fields to those who betrayed us.” Others will set your boundaries then, and the Lord’s people will have no say in how the land is divided. (Micah 2:4-5)
- beg the Lord for help in times of trouble! Do you really expect him to answer? After all the evil you have done, he won’t even look at you!” (Micah 3:4)
- Now the night will close around you, cutting off all your visions. Darkness will cover you, putting an end to your predictions. The sun will set for you prophets, and your day will come to an end. Then you seers will be put to shame, and you fortune-tellers will be disgraced. And you will cover your faces because there is no answer from God.” (Micah 3:6-7)

- “Therefore, I will wound you! I will bring you to ruin for all your sins. You will eat but never have enough. Your hunger pangs and emptiness will remain. And though you try to save your money, it will come to nothing in the end. You will save a little, but I will give it to those who conquer you. You will plant crops but not harvest them. You will press your olives but not get enough oil to anoint yourselves. You will trample the grapes but get no juice to make your wine. (Micah 6:13-15)

But wait, it doesn't end here...

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